Algorithmic Translation of Text
Images and Sculpture From Masters of Fine Art Degree( Computational Media Design) 2012 ,
Exploring the possibilities of expressing text as images and objects derived through Delaunay Triangulation.
Deleuze and Guattari- A Thousand Plateaus - Intro: Rhizome
Deleuze and Guattari- A Thousand Plateaus - Intro: Rhizome
Walter Benjamin - The Task of the Translator - Introduction
Walter Benjamin - The Task of the Translator - Introduction
Roland Barthes - Pleasure of the Text - Exhibition view
Deleuze and Guattari- A Thousand Plateaus - Intro: Rhizome - Exhibition view
Transmutation: From Text to Object - Task of the Translator - Sculpture
Transmutation: From Text to Object - Task of the Translator - Sculpture
Transmutation: From Text to Object - Task of the Translator - Sculpture
Transmutation: From Text to Object - Task of the Translator - Sculpture